08 Save a custom preset
After going to all this trouble to achieve an effect you like, you’re probably going to want to use it again in the future. Keep in mind that some effects will need settings that are specific to individual images. In this example, I placed the Bokeh effect very carefully, so if I use this preset again it’s likely I’ll still need to make some manual adjustments.
In the left sidebar, right at the bottom you’ll see a ‘Custom’ panel heading and, to the right of this, a ‘+’ button. If you click this button you’ll be prompted to choose a name for your new custom preset…
09 Using a custom preset
Your current combination of effects is now saved as a new preset to the Custom panel – you just click this panel’s heading to open it. Custom presets work just like the presets built into Analog Efex Pro – you click the preset to apply the effect to your picture, and you can expand the tools panel in the right sidebar to make any further manual adjustments needed.
10 My finished picture
I created this effect partly to show how the Analog Efex Pro Camera Kit worked, and partly to demonstrate the controls for some of these effects. I quite like the result, but this particular ‘look’ is only an example of what Analog Efex Pro can do, so stay tuned for more posts…