04 Fixing a batch

Now that you’ve fixed the spots in one image, you can apply the same repairs to a whole batch. I’ve shift-clicked the other images in the Browser strip, and they’re now displayed in the main Viewer window at the same zoom setting as the original – and you can clearly see the same spot in the same position on all of them.
05 Copying the repair
Now Capture One can copy all the settings from one image and apply them to others, but you can also copy adjustments from an individual panel, and you do this by clicking the small double-headed arrow icon (circled) at the top of the Spot Removal panel. This opens the Adjustments Clipboard panel, where you can check the settings you’re copying (also circled)…
06 Applying the repair
Happy? All you need to do now is click the Apply button in the Adjustments Clipboard panel, and the repair is copied from your first image across all the others you’ve selected. The spots disappear as if by magic.
07 Capture One’s spot repairs
Here’s a before-and-after showing the effect of Capture One’s Spot Removal tool. I do find the Spot tool works a little better than the Dust tool, even when it’s dust spots I’m fixing, but the main thing is just how quick and simple it is to fix dust issues for a whole batch of pictures.