04 The assembled panorama
And here’s the result. Elements has filled in those edges with detail from surrounding areas so successfully that you usually have to look very closely to see where any filling-in has taken place, and sometimes the additions blend in so perfectly you can’t see them at all.
The Photomerge tool creates a new layer for each of the images used in the panorama, each with an automatically-generated mask. But at the top of the stack it creates a merged layer containing the full panorama. You can flatten the layers and save this as a JPEG image, or save it as a layered Photoshop file.
05 Image adjustments
If you do want to enhance your panorama, now’s the time to do it, when the individual images have already been stitched together. If you try to enhance your images before you start, you may unintentionally create differences between images and prevent them matching up properly. I’m just going to use a Hue/Saturation and Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer to finish it off.
06 The finished photograph
Adobe’s Photomerge technology gets better and better with each new generation, and now you’ll be hard-pressed to see any joins in its stitching process. The edge-filling process has worked really well here, too. There are a couple of glitches around the edges, but you have to look pretty hard to find them, and it wouldn’t take much effort to fix them with the Clone Stamp tool.
See also
More Photoshop Elements tutorials