05 Edit your images

Now you can go through your images, using the Capture One editing tools to enhance your favourites where necessary. You can move them to the Selects folder too, though I’m not bothering in this instance. At the same time, you can get rid of any rejects by clicking them in the browser window and hitting the backspace key…
06 Deleting multiple images

Or, if you want to get rid of several images at the same time, select them all before hitting the backspace key. This time, you’ll be prompted to confirm that you do want to delete them.
They won’t be gone for good, though – they’re simply moved to the Session’s Trash folder.
07 Process Recipe
To convert your chosen shots into TIFFs or JPEGs, you’ll need to switch to the Output tab (circled) and either choose or create a Process Recipe. I’ve created one called ‘JPEG 90’ which saves full-size JPEGs at a quality setting of 90. You choose the settings you want in the Process Recipe panel below.
08 Batch conversions
Now you switch to the Batch tab and drag all the images you want to process from the browser window into the main window above. The Batch tab on the left will now show all the images remaining to be processed, their dimensions and likely file size, while a floating progress window estimates how much longer the process is likely to take.