08 The Save Style panel

Capture One now displays its Save Style panel, where you confirm the settings you want to include in the new style. You should find most of the boxes are ticked correctly, but there are a couple of things to watch out for.
First, in the Composition section, make sure the Orientation box isn’t checked, otherwise Capture One will rotate images to match the orientation saved in the style.
Second, make sure the Metadata box is unchecked, unless there’s specific metadata you want to include in the style.
09 Saving your style
When you save your new style, you’ll see it’s saved in a special ‘Styles’ folder. You don’t need to worry about the location of these folders – Capture One knows where they are, and that’s all that matters.
10 Using your style
To apply your new style to a different image, open the ‘Adjustments’ menu, choose ‘Styles’>’User Styles’, then select the style you’ve just created.
The end result
I created this effect primarily to show how presets and styles work, but I think it’s quite useful in itself. I wanted a way of adding more contrast and definition without losing shadow or highlight detail. The High Dynamic Range sliders are at the heart of this because they recover the bright and dark tones and counteract the effect of the Contrast and Clarity adjustments.